Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Super duper trooper!:)

Steph Alderson had a super duperly awesomely magnificent most definitly amazzingly sweet day!:) And guess why?? Because God LOVES me!:) & Guess what else!!!??? He LOVES you also! Yepp!!:) Lol

Anyways, herez da dayy,

1st hr-pre-ap english- we read a "verrry scawwie" book called the dangerous game. We didn't finish but, Carley & I kept predicting what was going to happen(making up completely out of this world conclusions) & it was fun stuff..can't wait to finish it tomorrow!:)

2nd hr-p.e- we ran a mile...fun stuff. lol & I still needa fix my shoelaces!! LOL:) & umm....I think that's it..oh and we did our stretches thingy mcbobs lol & i still suckkkkkk at pushups and situps:)

3rd hr-civics
We made a collage using one of the following topics: the services government provides. the way government helps. laws. We chose services!! It was fun lol but, ofcours rae and weso r fightn like the whole time so mainly Brookerz & I did the work. lol

4th hr-Algebra2..the most dreaded hour.
The teacher gets on muh nerves! but, I did learn a lot though so I guess that's good. Ask me to solve a 3 part linear equation(if u can even make any sense out of that)!! Just ask it! I'll solve it!:) LOL

5th hr- CBA- fun..i guess..the teach' is purty kwl and we just did computer stuff..while timmy laughed at my anger towards the computer.:( LOL

6th hr-AgSci&Tech- We just looked over possible agricultural careers and I proved 2 mrs. s tht coaching could be considered an agricultural career. We could be a coach & a farmer. So, I got to choose that as the job i researched.:) new seating arrangement.. i sit by rae,mckayla,& travi.thrillz. lol

7th hr-B@$k3tb@11
We did the shooting thing again. & stories that were supposed 2 STAY IN THE LOCKER ROOM! LOL got a little mixed up & told to coach. grr. talk about embarassing! LOL:) nah..i really don't care. LOL

8th-Physical Science
gotta watch some chickaz fight & stuffz but yeahhh. and we have a new seating arrangement. guess who im sitting by? Josh. :( Lol but, he's been nice so i guess it's k. grr. mrs. d! LOL:)

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