Saturday, August 21, 2010

Disgusting lil lalala:)

Okay..I really needa life!! lol

You Laugh.
I cry.
You smile.
I die inside.
You cry.
I get mad.
Why do I love you?
After that all happened?
Why to I feel I need you?
To get by...
You're not a christian..
you're not a nice guy..
you believe in sex..
you're a huge perv.
you take advantage of a girls every curve.
but..for some reason.
I'm attracted 2 you.
You're disgusting
You disgust me.
You pervert player, you.
I can't believe I could ever think you're cute.
After all the girls you've left behind.
They were all people..
Def. one of a kind.
You ruint there innocence.
You've ruint there lives.
You threaten them.
& then you say goodbye.
You leave them stranded there..
& they feel like they're stuck in a box..
and kind find the key to unlock..
they feel bad..
but, for some reason..
they still love you.
why is that?
because they gave you everything..
& u ruint them like that.
How could you?
You disgusting..

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