Monday, August 9, 2010

He is REAL!!!!!

Well after going to sleep around 3 this morning, I think I just might be one of the grouchiest,hungriest,and upset 14 yr olds you will meet.:D haha but, oh well..I'll get better after I eat something.:P lol

Well, last night the idiot stuck up, over confident, buttface called me and texted me saying blah blah blah why won't you go out with me blah blah blah. My answer is simple. I asked you if you believed in God. You said no. I asked why? You said you've been just fine withou relidion..(YOU DIDN'T EVEN SPELL IT RIGHT!>:() & You asked if I did..& I do recall saying HECK YES I DO!! ...So my reasoning is quite simple. You don't believe in MY GOD...I DON'T BELIEVE IN DATING YOU. You don't believe in religion?? I DON'T BELIEVE THAT YOU CHANGED. You don't believe that I don't have feelings for you?? I DON'T BELIEVE THAT YOUR REALLY HUMAN. Mhm..I do believe in God..ya wanna know why???BECAUSE HE IS 1000000000000000 AND ZILLION X THT REAL!!!!!!!!! & I DO BELIEVE IN RELIGION..YA WANNA KNOW WHY???? BECAUSE IT IS ALSO REAL!! && I BELIEVE THAT YOU DIDN'T CHANGE...YA WANNA KNOW WHY?? BECAUSE EVERYBODY KNOWS YOU ONLY DATE FOR SEX...EVERYBODY!! BC UHH..YA MIGHT NOT KNOW THIS BUT, THAT LAST CHICK YA BROKE UP WITH...YEAHH THAT WAS MY COUSIN!!!!!!!!! & EVEN IF YOU DIDN'T I STILL WOULDN'T DATE YOU BC YOU'RE STUCK UP..OVERLY CONFIDENT. &&&&& YOU ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN..YOU DON'T BELIEVE THAT MY FATHER, THE KING OF KINGS IS REAL..WHEN HE SOOO TOTALLY IS!!!! Excuse my yelling...I honestly don't care if it bothered you...It stabbed a zillion invisible knives in my heart when he told me he didn't believe in God. Not because I liked him bc I soooo did not like him like that but, because how could you not believe in something that is sooo real?? It hurts bad..but, I will pray for him..I will pray that he gets soo blessed by God he never goes back to his old ways!!!!!!

I love you God!!! You are sooooooo real!!!!:):):)

& You are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D

Steph Alderson is Out..:)

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