You're running...increasing your pace by the second..knowing that as long as you run you don't have to face reality. Also knowing, that the moment you stop reality will smack you right in the face...So you keep running saying yes just to get people to leave you alone so you can run.....& when you get out of breath and you stop for a drink and instead of love you drink sin. Sound familiar? Instead of being on fire with God's're on fire with satans sin?
You're never want to get out you keep going on and on until you realize your stuck under the can't get realize that instead of enjoying everything God gave gave your heart to one thing..whether it's swimming,running,food,some idiot guy, etc. You gave your heart the wrong person,place,or thing. When ya shoulda gave it to God! You shouldn't of been distracted...but, no you kept "running" kept "swimming" just kept on with your sin not caring the pain your causing for yourself and others. but, you don't care because all you'll have to do is say sorry after ya do it right? Haha. I guess ya could but, is it the right thing to do? You soon realize you have this headache...then you realize...this headache aint gunna go away on it's own. So you pray but, do you really mean it? Why do we always ask God for stuff and never thank him for what He's done and is still doing? We only go to him when we're in trouble..& even know God forgives..I still don't think it's right....I mean God created us..we never thank him..we never tell him how thankful we are...we just ask for protection, help, etc. without ever saying 'thank you'..
I've been that runner running from everything..and that swimmer staying in the water instead of doing what I should've done. & well, it's not don't realize who all you bad you treated God..or anything until it feels like it's too late but, it's not..Yeah, you probably lost a couple of friends but, were they really that good of friends if they took advantage of you when you were depressed or ran away? I don't know..when I find out all of the answers to these questions..I'd be more than happy to share them but, right now I'm rebuilding my wall..the wall I worked so hard to build..but, I miss placed that one brick and it all came tumbling down...This post is mainly for me..if ya know what I mean..than great...atleast I won't be the only person feeling insane beyond belief....Another statement I'd like to it's great to be building your own wall with your own bricks..but, it's nice when someone helps you build that wall and shares there that I mean a friend..a friend that stayed with you through thick and thin,never took advantage of you in anyway,and if they thought they did they apologized repeatedly, a friend who you know prays for you and loves you, a friend who told you what they thought about you instead of telling everyone else..It's great to have a friend like that..even if you feel you don't deserve them. I was blessed with 3. & a loving family. Reality has smacked me right in the face. Church camp was amazing and honestly, I rather go back and stay there because..there wasn't as much distractions there..there wasn't that bad friend and satan that tried to destroy your wall and so on but, oh well. Church is amazing & I love my awesome God!:) He's done so much and he's forgave me yet again....I don't know why he'd want to but, He did & that is why I conclude this blog that has probably bore you to death..even know I could care less...with one statement which, is actually a fact. God is AWESOME!!:)
Steph Alderson is Outt. <3 <3 <3 :):):)
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