Friday, August 6, 2010

"Sun's still shining when I close my eyes..." :)

Well, I had a super duper day here on earth..:)
I started out's not as bad as it sounds.:D & then daddy got home and we watched jeopardy together and it was the teen version and i totally got 3 questions right..haha yeahh, doesn't sound like much but, more than usual!!:) & then Kassandra came over and we hung for a couple hours and then she went home. & now I'm ready for the bowling thing tomorrow!!!:D Team Chuck totally gunna kick butt!!! Hahahahah:) Yeah..they don't know about the name yet:P Hahahah Anyways, it's me, Rae, Wes, & the person i dislike most but I'm going to have to suck it up for a few hours Kurdt. Can't stand the kid, never will. He's one of the few people I can't stand. I wish he wasn't on our team..this is all Rae's fault..she did this without acknowledging me. I am a little irritated because this is the over confident jerk I was talking about & I am very frustrated and Rae knew how I disliked him & now he thinks I like him. You can not even guess how much this erks me. >:\ Steph Alderson is quite erked. Lol If that's even a word but, I'm a good person & I will be nice & pray that God helps me through this. I really can't stand this kid. Really really really..It goes way back but, I've already forgave & God is amazing!! & will help me through tomorrow...

Well, Steph Alderson's out to go live life,make mistakes,<3 God,be goofy,be a 14 yr old, & to cry her heart out, laugh until her sides hurt, and to be herself...because who is more qualified to be her than herself? :)

Confidence is everything.<3

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