Friday, August 20, 2010

My thoughts confirmed.

♥ I have come to the realization that I am who I am - quirky and imperfect. I can't change just to make others happy, but I can become what God wants me to be. ♥ So all I gotta say with it. :)

I have been a little..pssh..a lot.. depressed lately..I let people get to me that I shouldn't of let. I forgot that God puts people into my life to help fulfill His will & takes out those who try to stop it. I also forgot who I was..& it got me in a dark place. but, I'm good now. Finally got everything back to the way it should be. & I'm glad. I really am tired of school but, I do realize that I do not need to rush it or sleep through it because I will someday regret it. I have realized that my actions and decisions not only hurt me but, others. I have realized that the devil takes advantage of all of my weaknesses & I need to learn to ignore it. I have also learned a lot, thanks to other christians that I <3 very dearly. I'm glad I fixed that mistake that I seemed to like so much the other day but, I must inform anyone who read that...that wasn't Steph Alderson speaking...that was the devil. I just typed it. I was stupid..didn't realize what I was doing but, I'm good now.

Back on my path.
Someone I love has some really tough things going cancer again..has very little chance of making it. satan knew this really hurt me and he took advantage of it. & he did a really good job of it but, that aint happening again.

atleast..not on my watch!

Steph Alderson is Out.:)
God is great..:)

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