Sunday, September 12, 2010


My life has been spectacular:)
The rain, did finally go away fyi..&
I got to run in a race yesterday, it was pretty fun:)
&& I got school 2mrw..bummer!!:( Hehe:)
I've come to the realization that....Honey Glazed Donuts are amazzzzinnnnggg!!:):)
Daddy asked me if I wanted to go out to eat after my race, I said well hecks no! I want donuts!!!:D Hehe
& even know the twins were upset with me, I got what I wanted.:)
& Now I got another race Tuesday..It's only a mile and a half..more of a sprinting thing..not much of a sprinter but, coach yeager says it'll be fun so I guess I'll give it a shot. School life's been decent..I'm tired of people getting angry with me because I am not who they want me to be, because I won't say what they want me to say & because they hear some lame rumor that I like there little lover boy or exboyfriend. Ohhmyyjumpingjacks! What part of this girl aint dating ever again, do these chickaz not understand?? Hehe but, ohhzz wellzz...their loss, not mine!!:)
& Plus, I really don't care. I'm not at school to make friends.:) Even know mommy and daddy says it's important.:) Hehe
I read an awesome book called She Said Yes..I mean the story is true..and horribly sad but, if you read it I promise you it'll have an impact on your life. Either spiritually,family wise,self esteem..whatever just read it!!!! It's a sad story & I'm sad it happened but, the girl is a hero. & their is a lot of people as amazing as her out there, we just normally walk by them & think they're weird because we judge. Everyone does. & It's not our right. We will all be judged when the day comes so, just give up! :) Just sayin...

Well, Imma gett offa hereee...:)
Steph Alderson is Outt!!<3

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