Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lies. My thoughts confirmed.

I'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all.

I know I shouldn't but I do.
You're a liar,cheater,jerk, who cares only about u.
You smile and everyone melts.
You don't give a hell how any one feels or has felt.
You walk the walk and you talk the talk.
What are ya gunna do when you get that broke leg?
What are ya gunna do when you have to beg?
When are you going to learn that, Church is best.
When are you realize that you needa rest?
I don't care. You can lie cheat whatever.
Just don't bring me in the middle.
Yanky doo day diddle.

My thoughts confirmed over somethings.

Have you ever felt like you are all alone in this world. You always have God and Jesus but, you know what I mean. Like you feel like you have no one on earth like human wise that you can talk to? that's exactly how I feel right now.
I don't trust anyone. When you lie to me, I lose trust most automatically. It's called shielding. & it's how I am with everyone now. There isn't a person in my life who hasn't lied to me. & that's my problem right now. My heart can't take any more lies. My soul is tired of people's lies. & so is my mind.

I'm tired of lies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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