Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I am one uncomfortable 14yr old. I'm in my pjs w/ a wayy oversized hoody, fuzzy socks:) & my ankle's killing me.
I got pushed like really freaking hard by a freaking idiot who did it on "accident" you don't push someone that hard and far, on accident dylan! & So now my ankle is now the size of a tennis ball. Thrills. but, I can't let it show at home or no sports for me. I hated it when I asked which one I cared about more basketball or cross country. That's a dumb question! I like basketball more but, my freaking ankle doesn't agree with me. & It hurts with everything I stinking do in basketball yet, I put up with the pain because mom said if it hurts me again I'm not playing basketball. so yeah that was a kind of dumb question to me and it kind of hurt my feelings. But, it doesn't matter, right? Yeah. It doesn't because in this world no one cares about others. They care about themselves. Also, for people who don't get me, which is pretty much everyone in the world. I'm not referring to my coach about the whole only caring about themselves thing. My coach is cool, I have nothing bad to say about him. I just thought it was a stupid question. I'm referring to you stupid people in the world who say things in front of people, talk bad about people you don't know, etc. & I could care less about what you think of me but, I do care about how you treat others. If you don't know a person, don't say things. It's that simple. & If you do know a person don't say things either. I saw people cry today that I thought I'd never see cry. It breaks my heart. Humanity disgusts me. God gave us life! Jesus died for our sins! Yet, we still judge. We still murder, kidnap, lie, cheat, etc. We use people. Why? Simply because it's easy. It's common. Have you ever thought of doing it the "hard way". It is hard not to judge, not to lie, etc. but, those who are true christians. Those who truly love God. You treat them horrible. they have feelings to! Just because you're jealous of them doesn't mean you can be jerks to them. & That doesn't give Christians permission to be jerks to you either but, umm hint the word CHRISTIANS! CHRISTIANS don't judge or be jerks to innocent people or atleast they shouldn't. So don't judge us all just because of one person. I'm sorry I'm full of attitude today. My facebook status said I was grouchy when I woke up this morning. I gave you my fair warning. Deal with it.

Like I said...I'm a very grumpy 14 yr old who can't stand seeing these sins anymore.
Who has plans, and dreams & unlike some, I'm not going to let opinions of people stop me.
Yeah, I'm ditzy,"stupid", I'm whatever you want to call me. That's your opinion. To God, I'm one of His children. & Honestly, He's all that matters to me.

I love you!
Sorry for my rude words.
Steph Alderson. <3

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