Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Keep it POSITIVE!:)

Negative attitudes bug me. We all have our times when we're going to be negative about something but, it's when it's always a negative attitude that bugs me. People get so worked up, acting like the world is against them because some bad things happened to them. Bad things happen to everyone. A lot of times, I feel like the bad things that happen to me are God's punishment for me not obeying His plan..or for denying the truth. God is our Heavenly father & the phrase "this hurts me more than it hurts you"..which you've probably heard your father tell you when he was whoopin' you...Well, that phrase is exactly how God feels. He doesn't want to punish you but, how else are you going to learn? So normally after I realize what I did and realize that was a punishment for something I've done or thought or didn't do, I try my hardest not to do it again which is exactly what we should do. When your parents whoop you for not taking out the trash, aren't you going to try to remember to take out the trash next time? If ya had any sense at all, ya would! Well, when something bad happens to you, don't get an all negative, screw the world kinda attitude. Realize that it all happens for a reason..& keep a smile on your face & strive to make it better and/or try your hardest not to make the mistake again. I don't think I'm really explaining this like my head is telling me to but, yeah. I'm talking more on the line of every day things like falling, hurting yourself, forgetting something ,etc. Not rape, murder, deaths..You know...However, I don't think you should get an all negative, screw the world attitude about that either. I mean I don't expect to see a gigantic smile on your face but, keep thinking positive & talk to God about it. God is amazing!:) & without letting Him into my life, I woulda lost a lot a long time ago, that means a lot to me now. I love you Lord:)

1..All thoughts, whether they are positive or negative, tend to attract more of the same. So by focusing on happy thoughts and expectations, you'll increase your tendency to develop and keep a positive attitude. :)

2..Dissing yourself, telling yourself you can't do this or you're not worth it and etc. is not a positive attitude. Don't get big headed but, don't put yourself down! God gave you life! He doesn't want you wasting that life by putting yourself when you good be putting yourself up and helping improve other peoples attitudes, as well! :)

3..Focus more on what you can figure out a solution instead of focusing on what the problem is! You aint gunna get anywhere by feeling sorry for yourself! :)

4..Practice thinking,saying,writing,singing, positive things! They'll help you build a positive attitude and put a positive light towards everything you do. :) :)

5..Note that the environment you put yourself around will do something to your attitude. Hopefully it's positive but, hanging around negative people all the time will make your attitude more negative if you're not careful. Negative movies,books,etc... Keep a positive environment & attitude!:)

We all have our ups and downs, we just have to realize how we can keep strong, stay positive, & we have to talk to God. God is the only one that knows everything about you. He knows your secrets, you'd never tell. He knows when you lie & He knows when you're thinking negativly or positivly. This post has helped me a lot because normally when I read something it helps me. I know I typed it but, now I understand it & will be trying to improve my attitude a lot because it needs it!:)

I love you God!!!!:D

Steph Alderson
The Bomb Diggity:)

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