Thursday, October 28, 2010

*Flush it down the toilet!" :)

My day was the most sparkly day ever!:D
Sparkly as in greatttt:D
Yesterday, I was fighting for a smileee:) bc I felt like Payooooookinggg (& I'm quite aware I'm spelling things wrong...ON PURPOSE!:D) Anyways, I felt fantastic.. Everything was great..& I only got a lil bit angry 2x today.
Both bc of people's stupidity. How can someone think of themselves as being "it"!? Ahem..I'm mainly *pointing fingers* at the dude who slapped a ball when I was clearly capable of catching it considering it was going STRAIGHT to me & he was on my TEAM. Helllooooo? But, that was just a small thing. The next thing was afterschool when we walked to a store before the game & when we were walking back, the dude and another dude..with the name of jon..jon c..were going to have some big "fight" It consisted of Kurdttyyy & the idiot telling us to stay n watch the fight..Kurdtttyyy said tht if he was the idiot he would punch jon. & I smarted off n said that "Oh yeah bc you have made the best decisions lately" Ha! He looked like he had been slapped! Anyways, instead of EVERYONE else, I walked away..I told them that they were childish & I kept walking back toward the school. Later on, I heard from one of the witnesses that the only thing that happened was the idiot acted like he was going to give jon a high five and then slammed him to the ground. What idiots. I mean seriously, you need to grow a pair! You shouldn't be fighting! Especially the idiot! bc he is on the basketball team & fighting could make you miss some games! I feel like no one gives a crap! They don't care if they hurt their team any...It absolutely erks me! Why can't people think BEFORE they act. Think about how it's going to affect you, your teammates, family, etc! Omygosh, all this to show off to his dumb girlfriend.
I'm absolutely disgusted with people's stupidity.
I will never, EVER, be this stupid! Why can't we think? I know God forgives but, that doesn't give us the excuse to keep not thinking! We should atleast try not to mess up instead of not thinking & not caring! Ughhh!! Wow.
Anyways, I know this had nothing really to do with me but, I was actually suprised I was able to walk away like that, put me in that situation last year, & I would've stayed. The fact that I didn't, is absolutely amazing. I love you Lord!!!!:)

Oh & we lost our game....We should've had this one..We really should've. :( Oh well. *Flush it down the toilet* Bc that's the great thing about basketball, we can start over at the next game. My coach is a genius!:)

Steph Alderson
God is amazzzingg:DDD

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