Friday, October 1, 2010

Freedom of Petition:)

My day was great..:)
There was a smile on my face alllllll dayyyy except for a small moment at after school basketball't know whata happened there..:P Haha but, My day was still wonderfully great:) Hehe

& I just realized that today is FRIDAY!!! Race tomorrow;)
Russeville....Ahhhhh!:D lol:)

Well, a very -fruity at the moment- fourteen year old better get off of here before she says something even more stupid than what has already been said. :D

One for question though...The 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights says we have the freedom to petition. Therefore, we should be aloud to say something when we think something isn't wrong, right? Dad doesn't agree....:D Hehehe

Now, a very debative lately...if debative is even a term...14yr old is agettn offa hereee!:)

Steph Alderson(:

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