1. Spell your name as it sounds: Stef-uh-knee
2. Are you available? yes n plan on stayn dat way.
3. What your favorite number? 5 and 15:)
4. Favorite color(s)? Red..I'm in the red mood today. Lol & sometimes blue.
5. Least favorite color? Orange
6. What are you listening to? tv
7. Do you know how to swim? No.:(
8. Do you like roller coasters? Sho nuff.
9. Does your car get good gas mileage? idk
10. Does your family have family picnics? nopee
11. Does your home have a bookcase? Yupp
12. Have you ever been to Canada? Nope
13. Have you ever gone fishing? Tons.
14. Have you ever seen a celebrity? no
15. Have you ever been on a motorcycle? Yep.
16. How much money do you have on you right now? dunno
17. How many cars have you owned? None
18. How many jobs have you had? None
19. How tall are you? 5'3"
20. Last person to call you? Kaleb
21. Last thing u said?Now
22. Last person you were in a car with? momma.
23. Last time you ate at McDonalds? like a week ago
24. Last thing you had for dinner? Pizza
25. The last thing you bought? music.
26. Last person you saw? amy
27. Last time you cried? like a week ago, i think..
29. Last time you laughed? Earlier today.
30. What is the temperature outside? Frickin' cold.
31. What time did you wake up? 11:)
44. Do you have a best friend(s)? no
45. What goes best with a coke? me
46. What did you do two nights ago? I've slept since then.
49. Is your birthday coming up? nope
53. Where were you at 12:02 AM this morning? readn.
59. What was the first thing you thought this morning? sickkk:(
61. What are your plans for this weekend? its pretty much over
64. Coke or Pepsi? Coke.
66. What do you dislike at the moment? Life. Ha. Just playin'
67. What did you dream about last night? IT was soo weird.. I was a deer! lol
68. Whats the last TV show you watched? Idr
70. Name 1 person on your Top Friends that is most like you. No tops
72. Are you on any medication? no
73. Have you ever cut your own hair? no.
74. What is your favorite frozen treat? Uhh..ice cream?
75. How many piercings/tattoos do you have? None. earz2
76. Where's your favorite place to be? schoolll.
77. Is there a person you miss right now? Yupp
78. who was the last person to text you? raeee
79. Do you care what people think about you? Hardly.
82. Last person to tell you they love you? Hmm. I dunno.
84. Who was the last person to make you cry? Let's not discuss this.
85. Who can you tell anything to? God:)
86. What are you doing today? chilln
89. Do you like ketchup? No
90. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? No
91. What color is your pillow case? Camo
93. Have you ever been to California or Chicago? nooopee
97. What is your favorite fruit? Cherrys
98. What did you do today? ntn
99. Are you cold? Yes:/
100. Does it annoy you when someone says they will text or call and don't? If it's important.
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