Monday, January 17, 2011

StEpHaNiE! :D

My day has been supertasticly great!:)
I had a great conversation about cow houses.:)

{{-AgSci&Tech- Mrs. S - what else does carpentry do? Kaleb - Chicken Houses. Me- Cow houses!! Josh - Steph, do you mean a barn? Raelyn&Me- Bahahahah:) ♥ Good times.. ♥}}

& I managed to turn the light off right in the lobby in the gym!!
The 6th graders promised I could sit by them next year when they move up to highschool!:D & That I'm their favorite highschooler. SNAP! ha jk:) & Then, I scrimmaged w/ the 5th n 6th graders afterschool. Me, Lucas, N austin kicked butt!:D Hahah:) & Now I'm ready for the game tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

I feel a little bit bad because a dude n my class named Justin - darn fello' - had his mom, his sister, his little sister ((for crying out loud)) all message me (seperate messages) on facebook asking me out. & Then he wanted me to call him blaha blah blah. i don't wanna date 'em. He aint a bad guy but, he's more like a lil bro to me & plus, I. Don't. Date. :) So, yeah they've all let me know whatta great guy he is, blah blah. I know the intention is to make me feel guilty but, guilt doesn't make me change my mind. When I make a decision, I stick to my decision.. & If you want to keep messaging me about how that makes me a bad person, that's you judging me. I can't help that I said no to something. I can't help that I don't date when I don't love. Sorry!

But, I'm in a greattt moodd! & I wanna Subway sandwhich now, *sigh* :) Lol

Dear God, I love you!=-)

Steph Alderson

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