Through out this year, I've realized that too many people complain about too many things. Isn't it great!!!??:D Now to you, it might be annoying but, I love it when people complain...In a way, in another way it annoys me. Have you ever thought about all God's done? He gave us everything we have, He created us and this world! He created all these things we continiously complain about. Without God, we wouldn't have anything to complain about. We would be nothing, have nothing, and we would all be in a scary place right now but, Jesus!!:) My super duper brother!! (& yours too!:)) Died for our sins! He gave us another chance at life and for those of you who's complaining, you're wasting that life. I've learned, quite recently, that you never know when your time is coming to an end. You might be in my aunts case, and know you're going to die soon but, you don't know exactly. So why waste your time complaining when you could be out there enjoying the life God gave us!! You could be spreading God's love instead of spreading your complaints. So, complaining..It reminds you of all what God did and does. but, is complaining really the right thing to do? I think not. When you hear someone complain, you should be reminded about God. About how if it wasn't for Him, you wouldn't be complaining right now. Lets stop complaining & lets enjoy God's love! Do you really want to die tomorrow as a complainer when you could die as an inspiration? God is amazing!!!!:) :)
Steph Alderson
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