Saturday, June 12, 2010

My view on: Purity.

<3 Purity <3

These are just my thoughts on a very popular topic.

In a sex-crazy world, purity seems like a horrible outdated idea. You certainly won't find much support for it in movies, t.v shows, and most music. But the Christian faith is truly conter-cultural and purity means a lot. Not only to God either, what greater gift could a peroson give his/her spouse than the gift of being pure?? When you choos to remain pure, you avoid the dangers of pregnancy, disease, and guil, and give yourself a much greater chance of having a long lasting, happy marriage. It might sound "old-fashioned" but, that's bc the sex craved idiots of today make it seem that way!! Purity is a good thing and I'd be disgraced with myslef if I were one of those people to make fun of the pure. God wants us to stay pure until marriage. God made us,He made this world! So please tell me, what makes you think you have the right to ignore the good Lord's wishes when he has done so much for us & is still doing so much? Hmmm? Do you have an answer for that? Can't you see how the future is going to be if we keep this up? Humankind has been embarassing me a lot lately. It embarasses me how some of my friends are already pregnant or who already have a child. When you're raped, that's one thing but, when you had sex by choice that's just disgusting. Just because nothing bad happened the first time doesn't mean it won't happen the 2nd or 3rd!! Why can't people see that? Can't you see the devil takes advantage of this? Can't you see that when you are having sex before marriage, you're giving into the devils schemes? I don't care what excuse you use. I've heard all the excuses in the book. From I was "young & dumb" to I was "drunk" btw, idiot you're the one who got drunk ummm wait I'll talk about that topic later!! lOl:) Anyways, this has been running through my head for sometime...It made me wonder why people should stay pure and then it made me wonder why people shouldn't...& well I think people should. I mean I know that I wouldn't want to marry a piece of chewed gum. I rather have a fresh piece, that hasn't been chewed by 10 dif. people!! Lol

& that my friend, is my view on Purity. Lol:)

Steph Alderson

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