Well, this will be my last day to post for probably a week bc Des is coming over later today so she'll have a ride for basketball camp next week. & I don't like typing with people staring at what I type. Lol :)
Well, yesterday was a good day..Haha..I crack myself up.:0) We went fishing at my Gpas & then we went to go swimming but, we all decided...well, after some very good persuading on my part, we decided to go rent a movie.:) I really wanted to see Avatar and I succeeded.:D haha. It was a good movie, probably one of the best I've seen. People were telling me it was too ahead in the future but, I think they were just trying to point out what we were doing & they did a very good job of it. We just destroy things without even caring. We don't care if we're destroying God's creations. We're just cutting down zillions of trees so that we can get a new mall or Wal-mart and well in that case, they were doing it for the money they'd get out of it. Whatta bunch of Bozos!! I'm glad the humans didn't win! If are world ever does become unlivable, it's our fault and we shouldn't destroy someone elses home just for our own selfish needs. If they don't welcome us, then we shouldn't go. Lol I'll remember that in the future.:) Anyways, Avatar wasn't as gay as everyone was saying it was but, that's normally how it works aint it? If anything is past someone's understanding, it's officially 'gay' or 'a waste of time'? Heck, I do the same thing. We don't even try to learn more about it..we hardly ever challenge ourselves..If a book is 2 feet thick, we just automatically assume that it's a 'waste of time' instead of reading it. Heck, that book could be the map to Heaven and we still wouldn't read it!! I can't believe that most don't even try..I do the same thing but, I don't know. I feel if people didn't slack off and kept challenging themselves, even when it's hard and beyond our understanding, then'll we'll improve and become better Christians and better people. Humans have gotten real pathetic, I say. Who knows? Maybe I'm just grumpy bc I have to spend a week with a kid who doesn't give a crap about my religion. A kid who kept trying to persuade me to give her some of my parents cigerrettes or however you spell the dumb things. A kid who wouldn't listen to me when I said repeatedly "No. I don't steal & I won't allow you to smoke in my home, yard, etc" & that God wouldn't want me allowing her to smoke, especially cigz stolen. So yeah, I'm not looking forward to it but, oh well. Mother some how persuaded me that it would be the right thing to do. I don't know...I don't like putting myself around people like that...I feel it'll get me in bad situations that I don't want to be in. but, oh well...I'll give it a shot. I think God wants me to help her and so I will try my best.
My God is an awesome God!!!:)
& well...now I'm off to do something..not sure yet.:)
Steph's Out.<3
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