Dear S., I love you very much, but I have deleted some of your friends from my facebook...not because they are bad people, but I am just a little tired of all of their drama. If they are mad and upset about this, I am sorry. Most of them have deleted me already...so be it. I harbor no hard feelings. You are a wonderful friend and I hope it will not be held against you. Love you, Mom
Yesterday at 6:21am ·UnlikeLike · Comment · View Feedback (6)Hide Feedback (6)
Brandon -oh no j you didnt delete me did you :o does this mean me and you no longer have a date to see narnia
Yesterday at 8:24am via Facebook Mobile · LikeUnlike. J No I didn't delete you. The sweet little darlings I deleted go to Oark and I don't want to know all their drama...I am tempted to read it if it is in my feed, so I deleted it. I still love everyone of them, I just don't want to know about who loves who and who hates who....I would not delete you, you are always funny and inspirational in your statuses.:)
Yesterday at 11:49am · LikeUnlike.
StephAlderson That is fine. Even know I harbor no drama. :)
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike.
J. How kind of you Stephanie! I am so glad that you would never hold anything against Sarah...I can't remember you making any comments that would stir up any drama or controversy, but if I delete one, I have to delete all. Thank you for understanding! :)
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike.
Steph - Lol, all is well.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike.
Steph Alderson Haha & yeah, the only statuses that may be considered drama is me standing up for what I believe in & I feel no shame for doing so. Hiding who I am on facebook, is something I frown upon. I don't sugar coat what I believe in. Lol & I don't ...mind the drama statuses bc I rather people let out there anger on here instead of letting it out by doing something worse. Lol & it helps people connect by knowing they're not the only ones with problems in the world. I think facebook helps people. & I think that's what's so great about it. I thank God everyday for creating a site where we can express our feelings that we don't necessarily want to shout out on the sidewalk. Lol :) & as for the lovey dovey ones, I kinda like those too, It shows that there is still love in the world when you feel there isn't. God is great! & I thank Him literally for creating me, this life, & Facebook.com. :) ♥
Ha! Delete all my butt? You're still friendz w/ des n kass for crying out loud. I block you from all my statuses so I know for a fact you haven't seen anything "dramatic" from me. I don't care. I've let that go. I don't hold anything against your daughter. I have nothing against anyone. & Besides, like I said up there, my stats are either songs, me being bored, or standing up for something I believe in. I've never had a bad status unless I blocked it from you, Mrs. I have nothing against you, except for a huge loss of respect. My comments weren't meant to be disrespectful, it's just me stating what I think. I have the right to do so & if she wants to take it the wrong way, go ahead.
All these things will be questioned when our day comes. & I know for a fact, that I can look my God in the eye & tell Him, I did what I thought He would want me to & If it wasn't, I apologize.
Thank you Lord for giving me the right to stand up for myself & what I believe in! I Love YOU!:)
& Like I said, I dislike no one. I forgave 'em all. & Right now I'm moving on. God forgave me, I forgave myself, if they don't want to, their loss.
Steph Alderson:)
God is Great!!:)
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