Monday, December 20, 2010

25 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me. :)

25 Random Things

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you must write a note with 25 random things, facts, habbits, or goals about yourself. At the end, tag 25 of your facebook friends in the note. Remember to tag the person who tagged you in their note.

Write your 25 random things, facts, habbits or goals about yourself here:

1. I love God!!:)
2. I am obsessed with stromboli.
3. Mexican & Italian Food is the Best Food.
4. I love to smile...shh:)
5. I secretly have a crush on Rotnei Clarke.. :D Haha
6. 5 & 15 are my favorite numbers.
7. Blue is a beautiful color but, I hate it because my coach likes it.
8. I want to coach someday.
9. I have a habbit of saying sorry... Sorry. :D
10. I think meat is good. I am not a vegetarian!
11. I really know half the stuff I pretend not to know. I learned early that people don't like talking to people who seems to know all about what they're talking about. :)
12. I kind of like laughing.. KINDA? Haha:D
13. Razorbacks are my favorite team!
14. I have no best friend..lots of really great friends but, no best.
15. People that inspire me: Rotnei Clarke, Chuck Norris, FBI, Soldiers, Uncle J, my Family, Navy Seals, Amelia Earhart, Zola Budd, and most of all my basketball Coach! :)
16. I have a secret addiction to tacos...
17. I honestly am not a peanut butter kinda girl.
18. History's muh favorite subject. :)
19. I believe in dreaming, shooting for the stars. :)
20. Running Cleanses The Mind & Soul.
21. I'm living my life for God.
22. I want to fly a helicopter or plane so badly. :) Lol
23. I truly do want to go skydiving, I'm not being sarcastic...It's something I will do if I have the opportunity.
24. Rock Climbing & Ziplining are things I plan on doing often after I'm outta school.
25. I want to ride a horse. Mother refuses to let me. Boo on her! :)

Steph Alderson
My God is super!!:)

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