Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010!:)

Soo.. I'm excited it's almost 2011 and all!:) But, I'm gunna miss 2010!!:( Lol but, I thank God for letting me live the years I have & for giving me another New Year's!:) My resolutions this year are still kinda not fully finished but, that's fine because I don't need "resolutions" to get through life. I need God!:) I've had wonderful friends, opportunities, memories, & dreams in 2010 & I had fun following God's Will but, Now I'm ready for 2011!:) ..more friends, opportunities, memories, dreams, goals, experiences..blah,blah,blah. Thank you, God, for everyone and everything in 2010 & I'm ready to see what's in store for 2011!!:)

I love You!:)
Steph Alderson

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Right To Stand!:)

Dear S., I love you very much, but I have deleted some of your friends from my facebook...not because they are bad people, but I am just a little tired of all of their drama. If they are mad and upset about this, I am sorry. Most of them have deleted me be it. I harbor no hard feelings. You are a wonderful friend and I hope it will not be held against you. Love you, Mom
Yesterday at 6:21am ·UnlikeLike · Comment · View Feedback (6)Hide Feedback (6)

Brandon -oh no j you didnt delete me did you :o does this mean me and you no longer have a date to see narnia
Yesterday at 8:24am via Facebook Mobile · LikeUnlike. J No I didn't delete you. The sweet little darlings I deleted go to Oark and I don't want to know all their drama...I am tempted to read it if it is in my feed, so I deleted it. I still love everyone of them, I just don't want to know about who loves who and who hates who....I would not delete you, you are always funny and inspirational in your statuses.:)
Yesterday at 11:49am · LikeUnlike.
StephAlderson That is fine. Even know I harbor no drama. :)
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike.
J. How kind of you Stephanie! I am so glad that you would never hold anything against Sarah...I can't remember you making any comments that would stir up any drama or controversy, but if I delete one, I have to delete all. Thank you for understanding! :)
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike.

Steph - Lol, all is well.

about an hour ago · LikeUnlike.
Steph Alderson Haha & yeah, the only statuses that may be considered drama is me standing up for what I believe in & I feel no shame for doing so. Hiding who I am on facebook, is something I frown upon. I don't sugar coat what I believe in. Lol & I don't ...mind the drama statuses bc I rather people let out there anger on here instead of letting it out by doing something worse. Lol & it helps people connect by knowing they're not the only ones with problems in the world. I think facebook helps people. & I think that's what's so great about it. I thank God everyday for creating a site where we can express our feelings that we don't necessarily want to shout out on the sidewalk. Lol :) & as for the lovey dovey ones, I kinda like those too, It shows that there is still love in the world when you feel there isn't. God is great! & I thank Him literally for creating me, this life, & :) ♥

Ha! Delete all my butt? You're still friendz w/ des n kass for crying out loud. I block you from all my statuses so I know for a fact you haven't seen anything "dramatic" from me. I don't care. I've let that go. I don't hold anything against your daughter. I have nothing against anyone. & Besides, like I said up there, my stats are either songs, me being bored, or standing up for something I believe in. I've never had a bad status unless I blocked it from you, Mrs. I have nothing against you, except for a huge loss of respect. My comments weren't meant to be disrespectful, it's just me stating what I think. I have the right to do so & if she wants to take it the wrong way, go ahead.

All these things will be questioned when our day comes. & I know for a fact, that I can look my God in the eye & tell Him, I did what I thought He would want me to & If it wasn't, I apologize.

Thank you Lord for giving me the right to stand up for myself & what I believe in! I Love YOU!:)

& Like I said, I dislike no one. I forgave 'em all. & Right now I'm moving on. God forgave me, I forgave myself, if they don't want to, their loss.

Steph Alderson:)
God is Great!!:)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I Get Carried Away:)


"I get carried away by the look, by the light in ur eyes, b4 i even realize the ride im on & baby im long gone, I get carried away"... Yeah I like that song:) haha

My ankle feels like it has been ran over by a truck. Thank you Randy for pushing me down the steps! & I had basketball practice today. It was fun, I'm really tired though. & I STILL haven't ate anything because the twins and dad didn't feel they needed to save me anything to eat. Thanks yall! But, I'm glad I have something to be angry about! Without God I wouldn't have anything to be angry about. I wouldn't even be here. Ha! :) God is great. & saw the mean dragon lady's kids today. They kept their distant. ha, I wonder why. Thought she was my 'best friend'. This is simply why I don't have best friends, people stink. :) Hahahaha:) Jk. But, I don't care!!:D I'm glad I have a chance to not care also. :D

I'm ready for New Years Eve!:) & Practice Thursday.

Steph Alderson is out. :)

Monday, December 27, 2010


I know I'm not perfect. I make mistakes. We all make mistakes......What I don't get is how anything I've ever done has made me a bad influence. I've never done anything that should makem e one. I've stood up who I am and what I believe but, never have I said or done anything that should make me a bad influence. Oh well, I'm not here to make anyone happy. I'm here for and because of God. I know I'M not perfect..but, are you so perfect if you're judging me. Ha,, I'll be judged when my day comes. Stop trying to do my Heavenly Father's work! I love you God!:)

Steph Alderson:)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Bitin' In the Butt, No more!

I had a great Christmas with muh family! & got everything I asked for!! Haha & I learned what xmas means! Ha, x means "chi" which in greek means Christ, so technically xmas= Christmas. So when you say Merry Xmas, there's nothing wrong with it!! Even if someone sends you a text saying that it does. & That oh well, I have my beliefs and you have yours.... That isn't being a jerk at all! Lol I'm getting pretty tired of people judging me..But, oh well, they can kiss my butt! I really don't care! :) Also, apparently I'm a bad influence because I speak my mind. That's what a certain elementary teacher lady had the nerve to tell me anyways. Gosh, & she deleted me & my friend rae offa facebook because we are bad influences. Ha, I don't care! If she's gunna judge me, She can take that up with God when the day comes!! I'm not perfect but, that gives you know right to make me stumble. You're not supposed to make people stumble... Oh well, like I said the day'll come. It's too bad though because I looked up to you & thought you were a pretty nice Christian lady..Now I'm having to rethink everything I've thought. A family I always thought were sure, strong, & smart.. But, now I'm understanding what mom meant about "brainwashed." I'm glad, I woke up before that happened!! Your loss!!!

I need to form my own opinions & not believe someone else's just because I think they're a strong christian bc, like today, it comes & bites you in the butt!

I love you God!! Thank you for helping me realize somethings!

Steph Alderson :)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

I woke up in the morning...

I woke up in the morning...
To the smell of what I call peanut butter balls. I heard mother tell the silly twins that they could have one but, not to tell Steph. Steph Marched her sleepy butt in there and demanded a peanut butter ball. She got her peanut butter ball!!!! :) & Then she got stuck helped baking... Was it worth it? I haven't decided yet.. Anyways, tomorrow is Christmas Eve! That means food. That means a smile on Steph Aldersons face..which happens only occasionally! JK!! :)
My day has been full of baking, talking, reading, & talking to RJ. :P Lol

Steph Alderson
God is great!! :)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Fat Albert - My Hero.

Fat Albert is one of my many heros. I'm aware he's a fictional character in a movie but, there r people in the world like him & they r my heros too. :) Despite his size & everyones rude remarks to him, he still gives life everything hez got..He helps, runs, loves, & has fun!! He still shoots for the stars... Who cares what people think? not him. not me. & u shouldn't either! He is epic! & I love him!! & I love my God!(:
Steph Alderson:)
..this is off my phone n my fingers hurt so yeahh..:) lol

Forget Lunar Eclipse!!!!!!!

Raez Status - so people should watch wat they are doin..that's just weird and its not funny you don't look in ppls car windows you freaks!!

My Comment - Haha,
If some1 did tht to me, I'd moon 'em!! Forget the lunar eclipse, meet steph alderson's butt cheekz!! bahahah! That'll teach 'em. :D JK!!
♥ In conclusion, don't follow my advice! ♥ :)

I love laughing!!! :)

Sadly, mother won't let me camp out to see the lunar eclipse or whatever it's called. I'm sad. :( :D

Steph Alderson is Outt. :)
My God is Greatt!!

25 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me. :)

25 Random Things

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you must write a note with 25 random things, facts, habbits, or goals about yourself. At the end, tag 25 of your facebook friends in the note. Remember to tag the person who tagged you in their note.

Write your 25 random things, facts, habbits or goals about yourself here:

1. I love God!!:)
2. I am obsessed with stromboli.
3. Mexican & Italian Food is the Best Food.
4. I love to smile...shh:)
5. I secretly have a crush on Rotnei Clarke.. :D Haha
6. 5 & 15 are my favorite numbers.
7. Blue is a beautiful color but, I hate it because my coach likes it.
8. I want to coach someday.
9. I have a habbit of saying sorry... Sorry. :D
10. I think meat is good. I am not a vegetarian!
11. I really know half the stuff I pretend not to know. I learned early that people don't like talking to people who seems to know all about what they're talking about. :)
12. I kind of like laughing.. KINDA? Haha:D
13. Razorbacks are my favorite team!
14. I have no best friend..lots of really great friends but, no best.
15. People that inspire me: Rotnei Clarke, Chuck Norris, FBI, Soldiers, Uncle J, my Family, Navy Seals, Amelia Earhart, Zola Budd, and most of all my basketball Coach! :)
16. I have a secret addiction to tacos...
17. I honestly am not a peanut butter kinda girl.
18. History's muh favorite subject. :)
19. I believe in dreaming, shooting for the stars. :)
20. Running Cleanses The Mind & Soul.
21. I'm living my life for God.
22. I want to fly a helicopter or plane so badly. :) Lol
23. I truly do want to go skydiving, I'm not being sarcastic...It's something I will do if I have the opportunity.
24. Rock Climbing & Ziplining are things I plan on doing often after I'm outta school.
25. I want to ride a horse. Mother refuses to let me. Boo on her! :)

Steph Alderson
My God is super!!:)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Mobile Post From the Hands of Steph Alderson:P

It's the most wonderful time of the year!!(: I'm ready 4 Christmas! :D

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"These are the best days of our lives...."

My life has been busy but, I've been in much higher spirits & a good mood lately. My temper hasn't found it's way to my mind yet & I haven't had trouble smiling. & this is all thanks to my super duper heavenly father!!:) & My awesomeness...haha jk:)

We won another bball game and it was conference game!! 29-19!!! :D:D:D:D
Lol & we celebrated our victory by calling someone..whoms name I won't expose. Hahah:) It was great. Lol We all went to the bathroom & did a victory flush at the same time & then we turned on the sinks at the same time & it was the closest our team has ever been!! Another wonderful thing, thanks to God!!:) Can't wait for our games tomorrow & Friday!!! :D
I love my teammates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haha & today I was talking to coach & I said tht if I took everything to heart what he said I would be all depressed and self concious n stuff lol & that I would be crushing on this geek..that i'm going to call jimbob...whom dropped out of school & complains about everything & has a very negative outlook on life...completely opposite from me. Lol & neways, he was like he would turn you down!! haha n i guess tht could be taken as an insult but, i thought it was pretty funny!:) hahahahaha:D
& then he said I wasn't a girl, lol which also really didn't bother me, even though I'm a female, 100%! It was pretty funny. lol

& I just finished my book so now I'm pretty much bookless....Gahhhhh:) Lol

So I've resorted to computer & textn bailo n katiebugz!! hahaha

Thank you God for amazing teammates, friends, teachers,family, smiles & everything else! I love you!!:)

Steph Alderson