Tuesday, June 21, 2011


:) Well, I think that when someone dies you should respect it and not make rude comments saying "Thank God" or "It's their own fault." They're gone, respect it!! I can't stand how people judge a person, just because of their last few days,weeks,months, or even years of life. People tend to only notice the negative instead of the positive and it's killin' me. Lol :)

My aunt's back in the hospital again...They said this is it, but they've said that so many times, is it bad for me to not really, truly, believe it this time? Oh well. I know that either way, God will watch over her. I love you, btw, God! (:

Everything's been crazy lately, but I'm not complaining. :)
Life wouldn't be fun if it was easy & there would be no purpose if it was simple. Lord, I pray that you help me keep my mind on You, instead of everything around me.. I kinda have a bad habit of getting distracted.

I love You!!

Steph's Out.

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