Tuesday, February 1, 2011

You! ♥

Everything has been so crazy lately, that I haven't quite figured out what to do and I sure as flamingoz don't understand any of this. All I feel like doing is lieing down but, all I want to do is have fun. I find my self a step further back from God each day. I know this but, I can't seem to get myself untangled from this giant knot. I love God, I very truly do. & I pray that I get out of this mess. I wish I could understand everything that's been thrown my way & everything that's been took away but, as of this moment, I am lost. But, I Will change that. My lack of patience seems to be getting me deeper in this mess & I Will start being more patient, or I will die trying. I do, however, understand that life isn't easy & I need to stop worrying about my know & get back on my path & follow God's will. & I will. I will start Now. I will be patient and follow God's will because by doing so, this knot will be untangled. Lord, I love you with all my heart. I'm sorry for choosing my selfish, impatient self over You. I Will try my very hardest to be more patient & to stop forgetting who I am here for. You! ♥

Steph Alderson

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