Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My day, Fun day! :) Lol

Lets go back...back to the beginning..back to just the Earth, the sun, & the moon.

I'm ready for the tourni tomorrow.. Yeah.
Ummm.,,,,,////....;;;;''''' I'm also ready for SUNSHINE!! All sunshine not this springy weather stuff. :) Lol & I wish basketball season wasn't ending. I don't want to go to the doctor over my arm, even though it keeps getting worse. I really want an icecream cone. & Yeah,,,,,, Hahahhah:) I just felt like whining a little bit.

My day -

Pre-AP English - Umm,, we were supposed to write about an award you will be presented with in 20 years.. Best Jockey Alive Award!! Bayybayy!!;) Haha with my prize colt, Scrumptious. Ha!!!
Dude, besides that me n taylor talked.. & Rae was grumpy.... LOL :)

P.E - we helped clean off the bleachers & then we played basketball.. me, kaleb, justin, n josh vs. dylan, austin, & tristan & travis. We WON! :) LOL Coach continued to deny the obvious fact that I AM ASSISTANT COACH. Duhh, everyone knows that... Ok, well atleast I do. :D Hahhahah:) N I don't care whatcha say coach, I am. :)

Health... Ick! Hahha jk!! :) It was all cool. Haha
Real letter - Dear Coach,
I forgive you for first, stealing my picture & then my watch. I know I'm a creepy whiney bag but, you are cool. :) (a scribble where I accidently wrote loveLOL ) and then Sincerely, Steph:)

Coach's Version - (don't remember it exactly) LOL
Dear Coach,
I am sorry for my stinky breath.. Then it said something about a dude named joseph. n me lovn him. Ickk:) Lol .. & then it said something about me asking for some cinnamon candy. Lol

I got the candy though!! :) & He eventually gave me my watch back..


Algebra2- I H-A-T-E-D this class today. It ticked me off extremely! Why can't he teach!? Why does Mrs. Stepp get fired when atleast she tried! This guy is in nice words, annoying. I am just irritated. It happens. I'll get over it. Boo. Lol

CBA- typed two reports. epic typing speed bayybayyy:) Lol jk..

LuNcH - rae n westo were Fightttinnnggg!! I had to take Westoz side this time (in my head ofcourse) because she was all ticked bc he failed his drivers test. Mad. Bc of that. Wow.... Pathetic. Jus' Sayin'! Lol :P
I had lots of chicken which contained PINK. Ick. Learn.to.cook. for crying out loud. I like my chicken, like I like my steak...WELL DONE!!!!!! Ha, I crack myself up. :)

AgSci&Tech - we toured the shop for OmG the 50th time. I know where the tools are n I know what a stinking drill is...Helloooo, I've dropped one on my toe. :) Lol But, I also found out that I am going on 3 FFA trips in March.. yayy:) Lol & Kate n Mckayla are on Dairy Foods Team now.. :) Yayy. I'm not alone with Creepy Justin & Devin. Lol

Basketball - FUN!!:) Lol We practiced...Um, duh. :) Lol but, it was fun.. worked on defense and offense.. I'm ready for the tourni tomorrow!!

Science- did fruit & then test.. :) Lol

gotta get off bc broz being a whiney babyyy:) Lol

Justin Bieber = Awesome.

Steph Alderson :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

30 Challenge :) Part 2.

20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel
Umm I'd love and I WILL travel to Ireland:)

21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget
Absolutely nothing. There's been the good times & there's been the bad. I don't want to forget anything.

22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at

23 - A picture of your favorite book
ummmm, I don't know.

24 - A picture of something you wish you could change
Cancer. I wish it was gone. :/

25 - A picture of your favorite day
We FINALLY had school again. :) !!! :)

26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you
My life. :) God!

27 - A picture of yourself and a family member

28 - A picture of something you're afraid of
Being faced with something & not knowing what to do and how to react.

29 - A picture that can always make you smile
It was the first year we actually had a coach. Coach Ammann was neve ra coach to us. She might of had the title but, still. Anyways, every game I took a picture in the shower. Best year ever:)

30 - A picture of someone you miss
Are you serious?
This is how you're going to end the 30 Challenge thing? By asking about someone you miss? Hello,, that is not a happy ending!!:)

I miss a lot of people but, it's something I've come to realize is life.
People come and go. People die. I wish it didn't have to be that way but,
it is that way.

God is great!!:)
Steph Alderson

Ha! I completed it!

30 Challenge :) Part 1.

01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts

1. I am 15=-)
2. Blonde <3 3. I wanna be coach! 4. Runningz amazing:) 5. I love smiling. 6. Blue is amazing. 7. :)Laughing is great. 8. Basketballz it. 9. I love food. 10. Snow is nerve racking to me. 11. I love you! =-) 12. God is great! 13. I love my school. 14. Razorbackz r the best. 15. Navy Seals are my heroz! :) 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest

03 -your favorite show

#04 - A picture of your favorite night

FFA Camp Night - the greatest. :)

05... - A picture of your favorite memory
I love school=-) Al
All my favorites happened here. :)

06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day
..I don't want to put a picture of someone else on here. But, my coach. Just so I could coach for a day.

07 - A picture of your most treasured item

08 - A picture that makes you laugh hahaha:)

09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most
I aint puttin a picture but, my mom, dad, sarah, n coach. :)

10 - A picture of the person you do the most ****** up things with
Hahaha:) I don't know..

11 - A picture of something you hate

12 - A picture of something you love

13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist
Dude, I don't know. Right now I'm digging Kutless but, it changes from day to day.

14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without
No pic... Umm, mom, dad, amy, randy, ness, God, coach, my teammates.

15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die
I wanna race horses. :) & Skydive.

16 - A picture of someone who inspires you
Coach, Rotnei Clarke, God:)

17 - A picture of someone that has made a huge impact on your life recently Woww, umm, lotta peepz have made impacts, a lot not good impacts:) Lol But, the most recent good impact thtz been made was from Coach when he gave me advice. Lol

18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity
Gahh, Ya know.. I really don't know bc I honestly don't care. Lol

19 - A picture and a letter
Dear God,
You are what keeps me smiling and happy. You gave me this life, my family, my inspirations! If it wasn't for You, I wouldn't be typing this right now. I wouldn't even exist. Thank you so much!! I love you with all my heart!!!! :)
Steph Alderson:)

....To be continued.

Steph Alderson

Another snow day. No school again. Yay. Whoot.
Yeah, not that much fun.
I have a headache and I don't feel good. :) Lol
& I'm ready for school next week!
But, I think it's a little dumb how the FBLA thing is on Valentine's day. Hellooo, gay. Lol But, oh wellz.

:) & I think I'm pretty much tired of snow.
It's fun to play in, it's pretty, I love shoving my brother in it, but, no school for over 7 days...Crazy! :) Lol I want it to dissapear until next year!!!!:) Haha

Steph Alderson's Out.
God is Great!:)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Yo Show! Day of Snow! :)

My day has been a day. A wonderful day!! :)
Yesterday, was the best of all!! I had SCHOOL!! Snow day today, though. Boooo :) But, we'll probably have school on Saturday,, yayy! No school tomorrow.

My day yesterday consisted of -
1. Reading some dinosoar book & Finally Taylor came and made first hour less boring!! (every1 else is too quiet!)

2. P.E! The whole total of 4 people there helped get ready for the Jr. District Tourni.

3. Health! We worked in our journals and talked about things. My horse plan is complete! Ha:D Jk

4. Algebra2.. We helped Mrs. S w/ Valentine Baloon things. I can tie ribbon great now:) Lol

5. CBA - I made a collage:)

6. We worked in the shop... Yayy. Lol jk

7. Basketball! Helped coach again... I cleaned up bird poop:) Lol & A spider was on me & Sarah smooshed it. LOL:o)

8. Colored!! & Goofed off!! :D Haha "steph is fat!" is all over the board now. :) Victory!

Yes, yesterday was a fantastic day. Today, has been full of feeling sick. but, that's ok! :) We got 8 1/2 inches of snow! Yayyze:) It's prettyful.
I played in it. It's cold... Lol Wow, I'm stating the obvious.

Well, I'm outta here. =)
-Steph Alderson

God is GREAT! :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Steelers!!!!! =-)

I feel sick,,, "Uncle Tom" decided to make his dreaded visit today. Boo on you!! But, that aint gunna stop my shine because the STEELERS are going to WIN the SUPER BOWL!!!! I like Greenbay to, yeah nothin' against 'em but, I'm all gold for the Steelers tonight baby!! =-)
We got the food layed out, all that's left to do is set back and watch the Steelers kick some Packers butt!!

I was kinda hopin' we'd have school tomorrow but, I don't think we're gunna... Lol I so hope we do though, I need some sunshine!! =-)
& I miss my nonstop talking!!!! :D

I love you, GOD!:) You put a smile on my face & that itself is already something I'm not worthy of but, yet you do it! You're amazing! I LOVE YOU! :)

Steph Alderson

Thursday, February 3, 2011


"Are you tryin' to bring back the tears or just the memories? You keep takin' me back, takin' me back where I've already been. When we hang up it's almost like I'm losing you again. Can't you see? So what do you want, what do you want from me?" .

Ha, my days been good...
No school again tomorrow...

I feel so.. different.

Steph Alderson =-)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Fantasies are apart of Reality :)

Ahhhhh, I'm so lonely!! LOL=-)
I'm being for rizzle though. The fam is getting tired of communicating with me, it seems. Lol & Since, Tuesday, I decided I'm not talking on the phone anymore. If people want to talk to me, they'll call me. Lol =-) Unless, you're Mrs. J & You ask me to call people about the FBLA thing.. Lol Yeah, I did that yesterday. =-) Haha I feel so lost. I don't know what to think, what to do. Gahhh.

God, I love You!!!!!!:):):):)
You're the best! You're what I live for!
& Even though, I seem to get distracted and impatient,
I love you with all my heart!! & I am working on being less distracted and less impatient.

Steph Alderson =)
"I like nonsense -- it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living. It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope... and that enables you to laugh at all of life's realities." -Dr. Seuss

Snow dayz, Lay Low Dayz:)

Sooo.. no school tomorrow..again!!:) That's 3 days in a row! I soo hope we have school Friday, I wanna play some basketball!!:) Lol

& My day has been great!! I gotta sleep in & talk to muh besties pretty much all day. I've already read 3 books. Lol & I'm hungry=-)

I love my amazing God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

Steph Alderson

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

You! ♥

Everything has been so crazy lately, that I haven't quite figured out what to do and I sure as flamingoz don't understand any of this. All I feel like doing is lieing down but, all I want to do is have fun. I find my self a step further back from God each day. I know this but, I can't seem to get myself untangled from this giant knot. I love God, I very truly do. & I pray that I get out of this mess. I wish I could understand everything that's been thrown my way & everything that's been took away but, as of this moment, I am lost. But, I Will change that. My lack of patience seems to be getting me deeper in this mess & I Will start being more patient, or I will die trying. I do, however, understand that life isn't easy & I need to stop worrying about my know & get back on my path & follow God's will. & I will. I will start Now. I will be patient and follow God's will because by doing so, this knot will be untangled. Lord, I love you with all my heart. I'm sorry for choosing my selfish, impatient self over You. I Will try my very hardest to be more patient & to stop forgetting who I am here for. You! ♥

Steph Alderson