Monday, July 19, 2010


I am watching a movie and I am angered. I am dissapointed on how stupid people are. Haha Yeah I know it's just a movie but, I think it's dumb bc people do it in real life. They have a family, kids, blah blah blah and yet they go whore around and stuff for money. & ofcourse there's the peeps who do it who don't have a family..the people who do it that are too young..and the ones that are too old but, I think it's all dumb. I don't care what you've been through. Does the Bible say when times get rough, go whore around??? I think not. People throw there whole life away for money..or because they feel they don't belong well, I got news for ya buddy..even know I wouldn't call anybody like that my friend, life aint gunna get any better if ya keep it up! It's better to not even do it at all. One it's against the law, two it's just a stupid thing to do, three I know I wouldn't want to be friends w/ someone like give you really want to give away everything just bc you're depressed or in need of money? I'm sad to say that I know people who do this, people that are my family and way to young. It's dumb and I just can't respect someone like that. You'd throw away your family...KIDS? Husband? future? or your chances of having kids...w/ a decent man, I mean. Yeah sure you could get could have a kid w/ some scumbag ya find in an ally but, is that what you really want. Grr. You people irritate me. I don't care what you've been through, talk to God. He's the one that will help you. Not sex w/ every guy you can get to notice you or alcohol or anything really. Ugg. I'm soo irritated. Lol:) I really shouldn't watch movies. or in that case read.

but, I don't care if anyone takes offense to this...If ya gotta prob. don't read it. I really don't care. I'm just bluntly honest & it's time yall idiots face the truth.

My God is awesome!
Steph Alderson

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