Life of a Teenage Runner...:) -Steph
Just a blog by a teenage girl typing about her litte road race of life..and learning as she does so that, that "little road race", isn't as little as she thought.. while trying her hardest to make it up the steepest hills and not thinking lowly of all the pebbles.. Life of a Teenage Runner - By: Steph:)
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
God Loves You.
but I've kept my faith. I even found a bracelet out of know where..
the bracelet I used to wear all the time that said Faith. I took it as a sign from God to keep going strong and doing what I'm doing.
My aunts been battling cancer for a few years now, and the horrid experience is coming to an end. I hate that she had to go through this, I hate that anyone would have to.. But she fought threw it but God is ready to bring his daughter home.. I love You God. I don't want her to go ,but I know I'll see her again some day. I hope that all the uproars caused by ignorance doesn't effect our family's relationships. Family has to stick together. I love you aunt mary, You're beautiful..Just like you always told us, You have a wonderful voice, & I know you'll sing to us down here. I wish I could visit you, but I understand why you don't want us to see you right now.. I love you Aunt Mary. God loves you too....
Monday, September 5, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
In fact, I ran in loads of rain yesterday and it was even lightning..not
safe! but, it wasn't lightning when me and the new xc coach started.. and we had to get back somehow! Thank goodness, my dear uncle larry picked us up!! Haha (: It was fun...scarryy but FUN. :)
I can't wait for the race tomorrow!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
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Tuesday, June 21, 2011
:) Well, I think that when someone dies you should respect it and not make rude comments saying "Thank God" or "It's their own fault." They're gone, respect it!! I can't stand how people judge a person, just because of their last few days,weeks,months, or even years of life. People tend to only notice the negative instead of the positive and it's killin' me. Lol :)
My aunt's back in the hospital again...They said this is it, but they've said that so many times, is it bad for me to not really, truly, believe it this time? Oh well. I know that either way, God will watch over her. I love you, btw, God! (:
Everything's been crazy lately, but I'm not complaining. :)
Life wouldn't be fun if it was easy & there would be no purpose if it was simple. Lord, I pray that you help me keep my mind on You, instead of everything around me.. I kinda have a bad habit of getting distracted.
I love You!!
Steph's Out.
Friday, June 3, 2011
I love you God! (:
I also love my parents, siblings, school, teachers, and everyone in my life. (:
Thursday, May 19, 2011
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